The project kick-off September 2022

Boost the 21st Century Skills among School Students to Meet the Rapid Changes by Implementing the Innovative Approaches and Tools

Presided by the Leading Partner Thames British School from Poland, with the participation of FURIM Institute from Norway, Boost21 Project aims to develop, improve, and enhance the 21st Century Soft Skills of school students to make them more resilient even in crisis situations such as pandemics.

Project Details

The Boost21 Project aims to develop the 21st century soft skills of school students and make them more resilient in crisis situations through an innovative gamification-based platform. The project will also focus on improving the knowledge and competences of school professionals and implementing non-formal education tools. The goal is to improve skills such as creative thinking, communication, problem-solving, and flexibility.

Learning-Based Educational and Mentoring Resources for schoolool teachers

Gamification-based Digital Creative Platform for School Students

The Boost21 project was funded under the EEA Financial mechanism 2014-2021 Education programme. The project is allocated 98.305 EUR budget and will allow the partners to offer for free the access to the Digital Creative Platform for School Students and Teachers.

This project has been funded with the support of the The EEA Grants. The content of this website represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The EEA Grants Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.